The Legend of Hobbs Cross

On the very outskirts of town, in a little cobbled corner of Romanknowes there lies a darkness. Not a darkness as we might associate with the nighttime, but a strange intangible gloom; descending upon that little cobbled corner in such a way as to make it always seem as if the light of Grandmother sun […]

A Queen Once met a King…

A queen once met a king, although she was a queen not in title, but of behaviour and he was only a king for his sitting upon a throne. The king received the queen in his throne room, pleased by her bowing to him in servitude . “Come!” he commanded. “Come, sit upon the steps […]

There Once was a Queen…

There once was a queen who was not a queen in title, but of behaviour. She would travel the land each and every day, seeking food from the world around her, tending to the trees and creatures that she would meet and offering kindness to all the people she came across. Her journey had been […]

There Once was a King…

There once was a king who would would sit upon his throne, whilst the serfs and servants of his court brought him food to eat. Each morning a queue would form, as each minion would take their turn to offer sweet treats and tasty morsels from exotic lands. And the king would partake greedily in […]