Discover the wonders of Celtic Reiki in this captivating episode of Reiki or Cake, hosted by the originator of Celtic Reiki, Martyn Pentecost.
Category: The Power of Celtic Reiki
Announcing: Celtic Reiki Seer—a new perspective of Celtic Reiki!
Over the past ten years, a parallel experience of Celtic Reiki has been percolating away behind the scenes. This transformative modality of Celtic Reiki takes some incomprehensible questions and offers very real answers to those who experience it. Based on the philosophy of creating a deep, resonant impact on the world for 10,000 years, we […]
Energetic Secrets for the Abused Soul
For those of us who know the flick of switch that tolls our darkest moments; when those we love and reach out to for care and nurture turn against us. For those of us who know that place within – that place we retreat to when the lights go out (and still do) upon our […]
We often view life through space and time as a journey from there to here, from birth to death, from moment to moment. We seek substance and the space between substance; we waste time and we yearn for more time. We experience a path that branches out before us, inviting us to make choices, based […]
Design or Default…
The Celtic Reiki Realm Mastery Home Experience in its current form took over four years to create. From the grand design of developing a home study programme unlike anything that had been experienced before in Reiki Therapies, to the years of writing, scripting, recording, filming, editing, illustrating, designing and publishing, it did not happen by […]
Consultation Skills
There are three elements to every Reiki modality session, which are: The Consultation The Treatment The Feedback We are usually trained in how to conduct a treatment and any professional Reiki Master will know the academic knowledge and legal implications of practice before ever stepping foot into a treatment room. Those who have truly mastered […]
The Road to Oneness
At the heart of Celtic Reiki is a sense of oneness—that we are all a continuation of the Earth. We are not moulded or sculpted, as a potter might create a piece of crockery. And, simply because our feet are not stuck to the ground, does not mean we are different from the ground. As […]
Retrain for Success—Reiki training was not created equal…
Many of us, when first seeking out Reiki training, have a rather vaguer idea of what to expect or what to look for. Often we will plump for somebody local or the online training company that promises the most ‘powerful’ results, or the ‘right’ way of ‘using’ Reiki. Even if we have some foundation in […]
An Intelligent Force
Thought creates the physical world into being. A spark, an idea, a vision can burst into life; transforming the world around us (and within us) in truly miraculous ways. Contrary to popular understanding, thought is not exclusively the function of an individual person, but a transpersonal and Universal phenomenon. Thoughts interweave into complex and sometimes […]