The Karmic Reiki and Karmic Regression Therapy Practitioner Experience
Discover five different layers of therapy in one Home Experience. The professional practitioner training take you through an enchanted journey from the Original Karmic Reiki to four contrasting styles of KRT. From karmic realms to miasma, birth-death holography to the Viridian KRT, this powerful range of therapeutic methods will show you a world beyond time addiction…
- The KR and KRT Practitioner Manual offer free bonuses of…
- Karmic Reiki and Karmic Regression Therapy: An Official Guide ($22 value)
- A four-week online experience
- Video and audio companions
- All Orientations and Calibrations
Many students will take advantage of this training for their own benefit. However, if you wish to practise professionally you will be able to pursue accredited qualification to Karmic Reiki and Karmic Regression Therapy at practitioner level at the conclusion of the programme.
This Practitioner Experience is ONLY available here at as a free bonus when purchasing the Karmic Regression Therapy and Karmic Reiki Practitioner Manual directly. Take advantage of this unique offer today.
Your Investment: only $149.99