happy child girl laughing and reading book in dark in a tent in her bedroom

What secrets does your childhood bedroom reveal about you?

As you think about your childhood bedroom, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Did you spend ages deciding on what colour to paint your wall or did you leave your walls white, a blank canvas to cover gradually? Sticking up photographs, postcards, or quotes that have helped you get through a difficult period in your life—all […]

Celtic Reiki Comes of Age—The CR Seer

To celebrate twenty-one years of Celtic Reiki, the CR Seer Home Experience is now available for you to explore.   In 2019, we are still shackled by the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Victorian rewriting of ancient cultural wisdom still permeates everything we know, see and feel. And whilst the past 10,000 years of history […]

Announcing: Celtic Reiki Seer—a new perspective of Celtic Reiki!

Over the past ten years, a parallel experience of Celtic Reiki has been percolating away behind the scenes. This transformative modality of Celtic Reiki takes some incomprehensible questions and offers very real answers to those who experience it. Based on the philosophy of creating a deep, resonant impact on the world for 10,000 years, we […]

One Therapy: Karmic Reiki and Karmic Regression Therapy

Welcome to the Realms of Karmic Reiki and Karmic Regression Therapy! As you know, Celtic Reiki is just one of five aspects of One Therapy… …the other facets include: vReiki, PsyQ, The Viridian Method and Karmic Regression Therapy. Each modality of therapy add its own unique perspective to create an overarching, powerful form of professional […]

The facets of Ki – From Denki to Reiki

There is a Japanese tradition that says everything is created from a Universal Life Force know as Ki. Ki is the force that originates and sustains life in all its abundant varieties. The concept of Ki has a great affinity with the Chinese belief of an all-encompassing life energy known as Chi, and we can […]